100 Ways to Sell More:

Abundance Mentality


“Play to win. Don’t play to not lose.”


Have you ever been chased by a salesperson to see if you are ready to buy yet? “Have you had a chance to look at my proposal?” “Just checking in to see how you are”.

These people just. don’t. get it.

Selling is about serving and leading with value.

Yes, the end result is making money and getting paid, but this is so much easier if you are providing value and always putting that person’s needs (and not just the sale) first.

Treat your clients and prospects as people, care for them and their needs before you care about making money from them.


Think about the maximum number of clients or price you can charge.

Now double it – how does it feel?

Double that bigger number – how does it feel?

Think about what is missing- what would make you happy with charging 2X for your offering – what would you need to include to make it “worth the money”.



Like this kind of stuff? Want more?

Buy the book!



“This isn’t just a book, it’s a Goldmine of ideas to help you sell more when you are stuck for inspiration!”


In the book we cover:


✅ Mindset – How you approach the act of selling itself.

✅ Client – Who is your client? What do they want? Where can you find them?

✅ Offering – How could you tweak your offering to maximise every sales encounter?

✅ Marketing – How to effectively raise awareness and interact with your target buyers.

Do you want to sell more?

This book contains 100 ways to do it.