Do you struggle to answer the “what do you do?” question?

Would you like an easy tool to create an effective reply?

Introducing our free “what do you do?” worksheet.

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If you’ve ever struggled to answer the “what do you do?” question if you’ve ever struggled to differentiate yourself from the competition, or if you just want a simple and powerful way to describe your what you do, then this is for you.

For the first time ever, you will be able to answer this question with confidence using a simple formula which is designed to create the most effective response.

Many salespeople and businesses don’t have a clear and engaging answer to this question.

And yet this question, if answered correctly can lead to increased sales and referral simply because the person asking it understands what you do and for whom.

If they don’t understand it, they can’t buy it.

This free, one page worksheet takes about 5-10 minutes to complete, but has the power to solve the “what do you do?” question once and for all.

We know what we do. The question is….what do you do?

Let’s find out.

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