Understand Your Buyer > How to connect with your buyer> Conversational Names
What is it?
This is all about naming your business / product / service so that the name of it sits well in conversation and is thus easier to recall and share.
Why does it work?
It works because being remembered is a HUGE challenge when it comes to selling and messaging. By choosing a name that’s not only easy to read, write, speak and spell, but that fits into the natural conversation/language of your buyer, you avoid issues like the Chinese Whisper Effect.
How can you use it?
To create a conversational name, it needs to fit into a sentence like this:
Question? You need a <Product Name>
The “answer to their problems” is literally the name of your product and it links together.
I use conversational names in the products and services I create as it’s not only descriptive of whats on offer, but makes conversation (and conversion) easier as the name becomes part of the buyers’ vernacular.
- Bit nervous when selling? You need Selling Confidence™
- Find it hard to explain your offering? You need a Clear Sales Message™
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