Protect Your Investment

Understand Your Buyer > How To Convert > Protect Your Investment


What is it?

Sometimes what you are selling is best positioned as protecting something else your buyer has already invested in.


Why does it work?

It works because if I have already invested £20k in my visual branding, then to invest 50p in a Clear Sales Message™  to ensure you are communicating the right things (and not just looking good) seems to make sense.

Positioning your offering as something that protects or helps get the best from another investment makes is somewhat a no brainer for buyers who have already financially committed to a certain path.

It also works well thanks to anchoring. By definition if your offering helps to protect something else, it would be a lower price than the thing it protects. This makes your buyer feel more inclined to spend as your offering is much cheaper than the big thing they have already invested in.


How can you use it?

There are a couple of ways to look at this.

Your offering could help minimise damage and deterioration or maximise the output/ROI of the investment. Finding the appropriate positioning here will help you create the most compelling pitch for your offering.


  • Maintain
  • Maximise result/output


In the automotive world, Supagard is promoted as protecting the paintwork of your new car and keeping it as fresh and shiny for as long as possible. you’ve just spent £50k on a car, so £500 for a special polish doesn’t seem so bad…



See also



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