Cost Neutral

Understand Your Buyer > How To Convert > Cost Neutral


What is it?

Some offerings are free to consumers, but being free can raise suspicion, so describing yourself as “cost neutral” and explaining how you get paid is a way to overcome that.


Why does it work?

It works because we’re wary of free things as we know nothing truly is free and there may be a catch or a sales pitch on it’s way to us…

By describing yourself as cost neutral and explaining how you get paid and that it doesn’t directly come from the buyer (so you are “free”) tackles the issue with honesty and logic which can quell any suspicion. This suspicion is also the reason why sometimes we prefer to pay for a diagnosis rather than have it for free…


How can you use it?

Depending on your offering, could you move from a “free” option to describing yourself as cost neutral?

If your buyers accept your free services then there is no issue, but if you experience suspicion and difficulty then this is one way to eliminate the issue.


See also



SkyScanner make it clear that although their service is free to use – there are no additional costs/fees which implies the airlines pay them a commission for each deal.




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