Perceived Uniqueness


Understand Your Buyer > How To Lose The Sale > Perceived Uniqueness


What is it?

Some buyers think their problems are so unique and difficult that you just can’t help them (even when you can). To prevent this happening, we need to appeal to these people in your messaging.


Why does it work?

If you’ve tried to solve an issue and it’s got worse.

If you’ve spent time and money but haven’t moved forwards.

Then you will be naturally skeptical as to trying other solutions – feeling that somehow you are a special case and perhaps beyond help…

This happens to many buyers who become overly frustrated and desperate with their situation.


How can you use it?

To overcome this issue, be clear about the following and include it in your messaging:

  • Who you work with
  • The problem you solve
  • How your solution differs from alternatives they may have tried
  • Produce a shareable FAQ


See also





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