
The Special Edition Effect

Understand Your Buyer > How To Get Attention > The Special Edition Effect

What is it?

The Special Edition Effect is all about taking your offering and tailoring it to make it unique and special in some way.

Why does it work?

It works because as humans we appreciate novelty and find it easier to relate to very specific offerings that appeal to very specific people or needs. Combining brands (as Coke do in the photo) also creates a degree of novelty which also allows the product to stand out by utilising The Bizarreness Effect.

How can you use it?

Can you create a special version of your offering to appeal to a certain type of buyer? 

Could you create a special version of your offering that appeal to a certain type of need?

Could you create a special version of your offering that is related to a particular niche in your marketplace?

Could you co-brand with another company to create a special edition offering?

Create an edition for the year you are in to communicate newness – “2024 Edition” or “2026 Edition”

See also




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