QR Codes

Understand Your Buyer > How to connect with your buyer > QR Codes

What is it?

QR codes or “Quick Response” codes allow buyers to interact with your offering in real time.


Why does it work?

It works because of the amount of effort involved and the convenience it offers. Scanning a QR code to visit a website is quicker and simpler than Googling it or typing the address. Couple that convenience with the experiential nature of a QR code which can be placed in any location and be relevant to that location and you have a powerful tool to encourage action in the moment (as QR codes by their nature can’t be remembered or drawn).


How can you use it?

Think about where you interact with your potential buyers and how they interact with your offering.

Whilst QR Codes can be used for just about anything, consider where is it advantageous to use QR codes for your buyers?

Examples might include:

  • Business Cards
  • Packaging
  • Warranty Stickers
  • Trade Show Stands
  • Adverts
  • Signage
  • Advertising



This gym uses QR codes in their changing rooms to provide a sort of fast action guide to help members get what they need efficiently. Nice touch!






Simplifying touch points

Making it easy for people to interact with you and buy from you is a crucial factor but so easy to miss. Here are 9 ways you can make it easier for people to contact you:

  • Catchall email  – Never miss an email by ensuring that [email protected] gets delivered.
  • Memorable phone number – If you want people to call you, make it easy for them to remember your number.
  • Simple Email Address – Make it easy for people to email you by having “obvious” email addresses.
  • Freephone / Freepost– If you want people to call or write to you, then making it free ensures there are no barriers.
  • Simplified URL – Using a domain that’s easy to read, write, speak, spell and remember makes life easier for your buyer.
  • Start here domain – Make it easy for new buyers and clients to know how to interact with you.
  • Misspelt domain – If there is a common misspelling of your name then it makes sense to own the .com domain.
  • DM Word – Make it easy for people to direct message (DM) you by giving them a keyword to use.
  • QR Codes –  Make it easy for people in the real world to find you online.



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